Friday, May 9, 2008

The following response is in regards to a fellow colleagues blog on the issue of health care. Blog my be viewed at

While I was searching through different blogs, one post from a fellow classmate page named cara oriani stuck out because I also believe health care is probably the one most important issue in society. There are currently thirty percent of Texans between the ages of nineteen and sixty-four without insurance. In this day and age it is very hard as well as expensive to insure family members do to extremely high insurance rates. According to Corrie MacLaggan “Texans aren't alone in worrying about health care: It's one of Americans' top concern, polls indicate. Nationwide, 47 million people.” The American public should be more focused on how to create a healthy, competitive marketplace for health care. According to Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured “Several states are working to extend health care coverage to more people. Three states — Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont — have enacted universal coverage plans and 12 others — including California — are considering.” I believe that every citizen of the United States should be covered by insurance.

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